
7560 Series Roller Pump - Ni-Resist

22.5 gpm/300 psi
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With eight rollers built in, the Hypro 7560XL is a serious spraying machine, capable of producing nearly 22.5 gallons per minute at around 300psi. When you need coverage and control, this model is designed for both. Chemically treated and Viton sealed, every Hypro roller pump is built to withstand the muck and grime of the industrial and agricultural environments. This is a pump that is made to last.

  • Port Size: 3/4 NPT
  • Max. fluid temperature:140 F/60 C
  • Housing: Cast Iron (C), Ni Resist (N) or Silvercast(XL)
  • Shaft rotation: Counter Clockwise when looking at the shaft end (clockwise available)
  • Rollers: Super Rollers standard, Poly (T3) and Teflon (T2)
  • Shaft Seals: Viton standard
  • Available PTO adapters
  • Recommended PTO torque arm kit 3430-0540
  • Rotor: Cast Iron, Ni- Resist or Silvercast
  • Weight: lbs.13/5.89 Kg
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