The Advantage Fly Trap has a unique patented top and bottom entry that allows the included "fly banquet" lure to attract and trap nuisance flies from over 30 feet away! Compare that with other outdoor traps that only work up to 10 feet. Advantage outdoor fly traps come with a plastic inside liner and two pre-measured packets of "fly banquet" lure for attracting flies to the trap. The Advantage Fly Trap has simplified the undesirable task of cleaning permanent baited fly traps with a disposable liner that is contoured to the interior of the trap. Simply remove the inner liner and clean it out or throw it away. Advantage fly traps are simple and easy to use, easy to clean, environmentally safe, and effective. Trap measures 10.75"h x 6.8" w. This trap only comes with 2 Fly Bangquet Lures, extras are sold in packs of 10 below.
Monday - FridayMemphis: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMBranches: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM