
Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations

Low-impact roach control for up to 1 year.
To purchase this product: please log in, call 800-888-5502, or e-mail

Picture of Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations (72 x 0.05-oz. stations)
Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations (72 x 0.05-oz. stations)
Mfg Part #:
Picture of Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations (4 x 72 x 0.05-oz. stations)
Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations (4 x 72 x 0.05-oz. stations)
Mfg Part #:
80221541 P2

Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations effectively control pests – then stand guard to protect your account for up to a year or until the bait is completely consumed. The low-impact, child-resistant, easy-to-inspect design allows you to monitor bait consumption and replace stations when necessary for maximum account retention.

Effective control for up to 1 year

  • Starts killing roaches in hours by contact or ingestion
  • Virtually eliminates roaches
  • Child-resistant design
  • Ideal for kitchen use
  • No vapor, no fumes, no mess
  • Easy peel-and-stick adhesive

Pests controlled

Small cockroaches, such as German and brown-banded roaches.

Also may be used to kill exposed, adult stages of beetles: cadelle, cigarette beetle, confused flour beetle, dermestid, drugstore beetle, flat grain beetle, granary weevil, lesser grain borer, lesser mealworm, merchant grain beetle, red flour beetle, rice weevil, rusty grain beetle, saw-toothed grain beetle, spider beetle, or warehouse beetle.

Please see product label for a full list of pests.

Products specifications
(800) 888-5502
(901) 794-8864
Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
Memphis: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Branches: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM