
Taurus Trio G (30-lb. bag)

Granular Insecticide for Lawns, Turfgrass and Landscape Areas
Mfg Part #:
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Taurus® Trio G Three-way Granular Insecticide delivers quick knock down of fire ants, mole crickets, nuisance ants, fleas, and ticks while providing long residual activity. Can also be used for fire ant mound treatment, perimeter and boundary treatments. Contains 0.0143% Fipronil, 0.23% Bifenthrin, and 0.059% Lambda Cyhalothrin. Available in 30 pound bag.

Verge Granule Technology Benefits

  • Significant dust reduction - durable outer core prevents tiny fragments from breaking off, unlike traditional carriers
  • Excellent holding capacity - Millions of micro-pores allow for multiple active ingredients to be applied, allowing good coverage and release
Other Takeaways
  • Two Modes of action- GABA Inhibitor and Sodium Channel Blocker
  • Up to one year of Fire Ant control in a single application
  • Can be easily applied by broadcast or drop spreaders
  • No-dust formula keeps applicators clean throughout treatment 

Notable Application Sites

  • Taurus Trio G is registered for use by licensed applicators for broadcast applications on turfgrass and landscaped areas including golf courses, residential, commercial, outdoor containerized nurseries, industrial areas, cemeteries, parks, campsites, schools, sports fields, sod farms. 

Combination Chemistry

  • The 30 pound bags contain three very effective active ingredients on a superior Verge®granule to provide quick knock down with long residual control of listed pests. Taurus Trio G is easily spreadable with standard broadcast or drop spreaders. The granules are uniform in size (140 SGN), dust-free, and disintegrates upon contact with water; providing simple, clean, uniform and effective applications. Minimal PPE is required.

Product Type: Professional

Use Sites: turfgrass, landscape beds, commercial areas

Effective Against: Fire ants, Mole crickets, Fleas, Ticks and other nuisance ants

Active Ingredients: Fipronil 0.0143%, Bifenthrin 0.23%, Lambda Cyhalothrin 0.059%

States Registered: AL, AR, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, NM, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA

Products specifications
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